LT11 Notice in Sacramento

Getting an LT11 letter from the IRS can be an intimidating experience. But don’t worry, by understanding what it means and knowing your options, you can handle it effectively.

What Is an LT11 Letter?

An LT11 letter, also known as a Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing, is a serious warning from the IRS. It tells you that the IRS plans to levy your assets—meaning they could take your wages, bank account, or other property to pay off your tax debt. It’s basically the IRS giving you a final warning before they take action.

What Happens in 30 Days?

After you receive an LT11 letter, you have 30 days to respond. During this time, you can take steps to address the issue and potentially stop the levy. It’s important to act quickly and know your options. Otherwise, the IRS will take action.

What Can You Do?

  1. Pay the Full Amount: The fastest way to stop the levy is to pay the full amount you owe. This will settle your debt with the IRS and halt the levy process.
  2. Arrange a Payment Plan: If you can’t pay the full amount, you can work out a payment plan with the IRS. This allows you to pay off your debt in smaller, manageable monthly payments.
  3. Submit an Offer in Compromise: If paying the full amount or setting up a payment plan isn’t possible, you might qualify for an Offer in Compromise. This allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount, but you’ll need to prove that you can’t pay the full amount and that settling for less is fair.
  4. Request a Collection Due Process Hearing: If you disagree with the tax debt or the proposed levy, you can request a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing. This gives you a chance to discuss your case with an independent IRS appeals officer, which can help resolve the issue without a levy.

Why You Need Professional Help

Dealing with the IRS on your own can be overwhelming and complex. Hiring a tax resolution professional can provide you with expert guidance and support, significantly increasing your chances of a favorable outcome. They understand IRS procedures and can help you navigate the complex system more effectively.

Why Rochelle Margucci Is the Right Choice

When you’re dealing with IRS issues, having an experienced and knowledgeable professional like Rochelle Margucci is essential. As an Enrolled Agent with over 40 years of experience, Rochelle specializes in representing clients before the IRS and state tax authorities.

Rochelle’s hands-on approach and commitment to the client experience mean she is dedicated to ensuring her clients’ complete satisfaction.

Whether you’re dealing with an LT11 letter or other tax issues, Rochelle’s expertise and dedication can guide you through the process and help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Contact Rochelle Margucci Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

If you’ve received an LT11 letter or are facing any other tax issues, call Rochelle Margucci today. Let her extensive experience and commitment to exceptional service help you resolve your tax problems and regain peace of mind.

Call Rochelle today at (916) 372-8577.